Candidacy Portfolio

Evidence Supporting Spiritual Growth and Mastery of CACREP Doctoral Standards and Requirements in Liberty University’s PhD Program in Counselor Education and Supervision

Curriculum Vitae

Counseling Artifacts

Counseling Reflection

I engaged in a conversation with another counselor at the 2024 ACA Conference. We were discussing the potential for him to go on and get a PhD. He said he didn’t want to get a PhD in CES because “it’s focused on teaching, and after you get it, it doesn’t make you a better counselor.” I nodded, knowing that I was unlikely to convince him otherwise. What I know to be true though is that I am a way better counselor for having been in this program. I love counseling with the information I have gleaned through research and scholarship. I feel more confident utilizing certain theoretical frameworks and certainly conducting case conceptualizations. I have also allowed my learning to shape some of the practice policies I have in place for my business.


Teaching Reflection

Teaching is my favorite part of this program. I volunteered to  co-teach a master’s diagnosis course (COUC 667, Summer 2024), and received mentorship from Dr. Ford . This experience not only enhanced my instructional skills but also reinforced my passion for guiding students in their academic and professional growth. As I approach graduation, I continue to consider where I will “land” with my career. My goal is to be a professor at a Christian online university, where I can integrate my faith and expertise into meaningful teaching experiences. I attended the 2024 ACA Conference in NOLA, and spoke with online universities that I think will be a good fit for me. For now, I continue to adjunct at Northwest Nazarene University teaching Introduction to Addictions, a role I have held since 2021. 


Supervision Artifacts

Supervision Reflection

Supervision continues to be an area that I enjoy. I have limited experience providing supervision outside of Liberty’s CES program, however, I am engaged in a supervisory relationship with a supervisor in my state. He and I have presented numerous times on supervision and professional boundaries. These presentations help deepen my understanding and application of supervision models.


Scholarship Reflection

Working on my dissertation is a culminating activity, which has afforded me the opportunity to truly experience research and scholarship in an independent way. Completing chapters 1 through 3 was a significant milestone, and I am currently in the process of coding my interviews. My goal is to have chapters 4 and 5 finalized by early February. After graduation, I hope to join a research group to continue engaging in meaningful scholarship. I have also had conversations with some of my colleagues in the program about staying connected and collaborating on future research projects.


Leadership Reflection

My dissertation is focused on advocacy, which has deepened my understanding of both engagement and leadership. In Fall 2024, I served as a Leadership Intern for the Idaho Counseling Association, where I was honored to be asked to co-chair the Public Policy & Legislative Committee. This role perfectly aligns with my passion for serving and advocating for the counseling profession.  My goal for the future is to continue serving, researching, and publishing in the area of advocacy and leadership, with a particular focus on counselors who identify as Christian.

I am a current member of: 

Idaho Association for Addiction Professionals (state affiliate of NAADAC)

Idaho Counseling Association 

The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)
American Counseling Association
American Association for Creativity in Counseling
American Association of Christian Counselors

I attended the 2024 Idaho Counseling Association Conference in Boise, ID

I attended the 2024 American Mental Health Counselors Association Conference in Charlotte, NC

I attended the 2024 American Counseling Association in New Orleans, LA 

I attended the 2024 NBCC Symposium in Washington, DC

I attended the 2023 Idaho Counseling Association Conference in Boise, ID

Barber, M. (2024). The Ethics of Advocacy at the Intersection of Counselor Identity, Faith, and Politics. Idaho Counseling Association Conference.

Barber, M. & Smith, B. (2024). Extended Professional Boundaries: Ethically it is OK. Morally, It’s Not: When Good Counselors do Bad Things. Idaho Counseling Association Conference.

Searls, G., Yates, C., & Barber, M. (2024). The Interstate Counseling Compact: The Privilege to Practice in Other States. Panelist. Idaho Counseling Association Conference.

Barber, M. (2024). How to Advocate for the Counseling Profession from a Christian Perspective: Navigating Faith, Advocacy, and Professional Ethics. Chi Sigma Iota, Northwest Nazarene University Chapter.

Barber, M. & Smith, B. (2024). Ethically it is OK. Morally, It’s Not: When Good Counselors do Bad Things. Idaho Counseling Association CEU Event.

Smith, B. & Barber, M. (2024). Supervision Dynamics Below the Surface: Ethical Considerations as to How Differing Worldviews can Inhibit or Enlighten the Experience. Idaho Counseling Association CEU Event.

Barber, M. (2024). A Counselor’s Guide to Getting Started in Neurofeedback. Chi Sigma Iota, Northwest Nazarene University Chapter.

Barber, M. (2024). Grief and Loss Complicated by Substance Use Disorders. Idaho Association for Addiction Professionals CEU event.

Barber, M. (2023). Grief and Loss Complicated by Substance Use Disorders. Northpoint Recovery National CEU event.

Barber, M. (2023). Near Death: Shame and Stigma Among Survivors of Overdose. Liberty University Research Week Graduate Theoretical Proposal Presentation. Placed 3rd.

Barber, M. & Alvey, L. (2023). Value Based Conflict: Using Expressive Arts to Examine Core Issues. Idaho Counseling Association Conference.

Barber, M. & Bohecker, L. (2022). Managing Your Mental Health During the Holidays. Idaho LEARN Fall Series Webinar.

Henderson, J., Barber, M., Bohecker, L., & Martinez, H. (2022). The Idaho Wellness Journal, a Resource for Students and Teachers. Stronger Together Conference by the Idaho School Counselor Association.

Barber, M., Henderson, J., Bohecker, L., & Martinez, H. (2022). The Idaho Wellness Journal. Plenary Session at the Idaho Indian Education Summit.

National Board-Certified TeleMental Health Provider, CCE, August 2022, BC-TMH-3679

Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Idaho, June 2019, LPC-7321

National Board-Certified Counselor, NBCC, June 2019, NCC-1139826

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